ENG Yellow Liquidlike Beverage


Baron Rat opens limånadstånd with Prince Valiant

-Prince Valiant how do you limånad?

-Why do you want to know it, my ohygieniske little buddy?

-Why do you call me?

-I'm just trying something new. Do you want to make limånad?

-Yes, I intend to make limånad and sell and invest in a cheese and then, use the aggregate interest to invest in more cheese.

-Very good thinking. To make limånad of lim and månad, but UN has banned hunting of the monad, it is threatened by expinction and it is not good when you make juice, so you take limåner and sugar. I have a good recipe.

-So good.

-It is resource efficient. A bit såkker, limon and 200 litres of water.

-Do not hold the hypokondriska child's bathtub 200 liters?

-Only when sitting in it, otherwise it's just 50 litres, but that's exactly what I intend to use. I just change the recipe a bit and iron såkkret.

-Should we still use 200 litres of water?

-Yes, you may stand with a spoon next to, so that it does not flow out. We are going to get rich.

-Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!

A little later on.

-How much have we earned now?

-Yes in a fast arc so it looks like zero no crowns and algapengar. We may have a few rupees, if we shoot for them.

-All go on the other side of the street. The Hypokondriska Child seems to sell orange juice there.

-Yes. Nasty lizard put a sign at the bottom of the street. I think it is advertising for The Hypokondiska children's Saftstånd. We get to watch when we go home.

-Yes! What's on our plate?

-It was you who wrote it. I get to watch. Hmm-"cheese" and "do not touch". We may have to work a little with our contractors.

-What did you say Prince Valiant? Now comes the evil Lizard by and drink up the last of the mug from The Hypokondriska the child's position. I think he drank up to 40 cups now. Do you see what is on the plate. I can not read from afar without my analfabetiglasögon.

-It says "SUPPORT the AILING! 25 CENTS the GLASS (YELLOWISH, VÄTSKELIKNANDE beverage) we should not begrudge the little poor man that he has both invisible rash on the nose, the seizure of fresh air and a bout of beriberi this week.

-Now looking the Nasty Lizard on us. He laughs at us?

-No they do so when they feel threatened. We have the best marketing, the sharpest process and best product, basically. Let's experiment with the sign. Now that the Hypokondriska Child has gone, we secure customers.

-Prince Valiant, how spells "beriberi".

-Baron Rat. We are trying something new. Type "Limånad". We need to try something new to drive up profitability. We are the biggest industry on the whole carpet.

-It turns out that it works best in the market by to say that this is Limånad and not cheese, or a tropical disease. We have worked a bit with the price too. Perhaps we should go a little bit over 57,000 dollars.